Speed Endurance Training

Speed endurance workouts involve running at your race pace for longer intervals. This kind of speedwork training will help you get that extra kick at the end of races when you feel like you have nothing left in you- It will keep you going! Speed endurance sessions help build up stamina and increase speed. The idea is to run at 80% of your max intensity versus 90% during regular speedwork sessions, and to take shorter breaks in between intervals. When you first start this interval training, you may want to cut down on the amount of intervals; do 2 instead of 3 or 10 instead of 16, so you can build it up to the total of intervals. Make sure you perform these interval sessions on flat surfaces if you don’t have access to a running track.

1. 3 X 800m at 80% max effort- walking for 90 secs. between sprints.
2. 3 X 600m at 80% max effort- walking for 90 secs. between sprints.
3. 3 X 400m at 80% max effort- walking for 90 secs. between sprints.
4. 16 X 200m at 80% max effort- walking for 30-60 secs between sprints.

Train Hard, Eat Right, Feel Great!
