If we want to stay healthy, avoid getting sick, maintain a great fitness level, keep our performance level strong and extend our life span, we need to make sure we provide our body with all the essential nutrients to keep all are organs and whole body in top shape. Each organ has its own requirements.
Tips on how to provide nutrients and keep our organs healthy:
Our heart is the muscle that pumps blood to all our body parts, delivers oxygen and nourishment, and also removes waste. The heart is our #1 organ to take care of, as heart disease is the #1 killer in most cultures. Exercising 5 times/week for 30 mins will help to maintain a healthy heart. We need to get our heart rate up on a regular basis to keep it going and keep our metabolism up.
What to Eat:
Leafy greens, Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax seeds), healthy nuts, fruits, vegetables, beetroots and whole grains.
Kidneys are responsible for keeping our body balanced with fluids and chemicals. To keep our kidneys healthy, we need to stick to a healthy lifestyle and avoid eating too much salt. If the kidneys are not well, symptoms include, tiredness, nausea, and lack of appetite.
What to Eat:
Tomatoes, cabbage, red peppers, cauliflower, onion, cranberries, raspberries, turmeric.
Our liver filters and processes blood through the body. Other vital functions include metabolizing nutrients, detoxifying harmful substances and making blood clotting protein. For long distance runners, we need to look after our liver as is gets damaged by running long distances, symptoms are inflammation and high liver enzymes.
What to Eat:
Leafy greens, spinach, arugula, avocado, garlic, grapefruit, apples, lemon, walnuts, beetroots, green tea, turmeric.
Our digestive system is responsible for breaking down food, so our body can absorb all the nutrients or sending some to waste. The most important factors for a healthy digestive system is healthy gut bacteria and fibre.
What to Eat:
Flax seed, whole grains, oats, green vegetables (dandelion greens), chili pepper, pineapple, papaya, eggplant, artichoke, garlic, dragonfruit. For probiotics; fermented vegetables(kimchi, sauerkraut, beets), yoghurt, kefir, raw apple cider vinegar.
The thyroid gland produces hormones and regulates our whole system. It regulates our metabolism, mood, energy levels, body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. When the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones (hypothyroidism), symptoms include fatigue, depression, lack of motivation, constipation. A healthy and well balanced diet can help boost the thyroid function.
What to Eat:
Salmon (omega-3 fatty acids), nuts- Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, which are a great source of selenium. Just a handful per day is enough to get the daily nutrients. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables such as berries, sweet potatoes, green peppers, seaweed, dairy, beans.
The lungs main function is to take the oxygen from the air we breathe and process it into the red blood cells. Lungs also help the body to get rid of CO2 as we breathe out.
What to Eat:
Cruciferous veggies, beetroots, beans, seeds, nuts, carrots, pumpkin, red bell pepper, ginger, garlic, onions, chili peppers, apples, grapefruit, oranges, pomegranates, turmeric.
As runners, these organs are very important and often affected by intense running. Especially for long distance runners, after running ultra marathons or during intensive training, some of these organs become highly sensitive. Looking after these essential organs will ensure that our metabolism and body stays healthy and strong.
Train Hard, Eat Right, Feel Great!