Vitamins: Vitamin A, C, B complex,
Omega 3 fatty acid
Minerals: Calcium (3X more than milk), potassium (3X more than in a banana), magnesium
Macronutrients and micronutrients: Protein (2X more than in Greek yoghurt), iron (2X more than spinach)
Health Benefits:
Fights Diabetes: Moringa helps to balance blood sugar levels via chlorogenic acid.
Lowers cholesterol: Moringa helps to reduce cholesterol levels due to beta-sitosterol, a power packed nutrient that blocks LDL (bad cholesterol) build up.
Reduces inflammation: Moringa contains a mix of essential amino acids, antioxidants and natural antibacterial compounds which have the same effects as anti-inflammatory drugs. It can even protect from allergic reactions.
Fights cancer: The water-soluble extracts of moringa lead can help treat various types of cancer including lung, breast, and skin cancer. It also has shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Improves digestive health: With its anti-inflammatory properties and high fiber content, moringa can help with stomach issues like stomach ulcers, also liver disease, kidney damage. The high fiber content (31%) can also help with weight loss.
Benefits for improving endurance performance for runners and athletes
The human body’s intelligence can naturally distinguish the difference between natural nutrition and synthetic ones. Moringa, a natural superfood can help the body absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals athletes and runners get depleted of. This superfood can help runners build strength and endurance by boosting the energy and help the body to absorb nutrients due to its high potency of vitamin C and A combined with high levels of iron. This potent combination helps improve the hemoglobin content in the blood, this enables the blood to deliver higher levels of oxygen to the muscles during intense training. Moringa also increases the brainpower through a gradual increase in physical energy, flexibility, strength and improved sensory perception. Also, with the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, moringa accelerates the recovery and healing process after long distance runs or intense training sessions.
Moringa powder is tasty, easy to use, just add it to your pre or post-run drink, smoothie or breakfast for a natural boost of energy and recovery.